Facilitator Guide


ROLES for the online sessions:

  • Study Facilitator:  Assigns a Timekeeper and ensures that all participants who want to read and discuss, have the opportunity to.  Tries to prevent one person from hogging all of the reading and/or all of the discussion.  Ensures that there is no single self-appointed guru or teacher attempting to lord over the Study – as everyone is both a student and a teacher as they will.  Can decide to allow some brief tangential conversation if it is deemed by the facilitator to be beneficial and/or relevant.
  • Showcase Facilitator:  Share your topic either as a lecture, discussion, activity, performance, or show-and-tell!  Showcases are always a one-off singular item tailored to a specific topic.  Showcase information can be subsequently added to the Activity Corner.
  • Timekeeper:  To keep the online meetings running smoothly on time.
  • Participant:  We are all the participant.  The job of the participant is to enjoy!


  • Session: The term ‘session’ is being used as a string of meetings when the group is active for a given season.  A season can have one or two sessions.  When the group is Not in session, the group is considered as being ‘Dark’.
  • Public vs Internal Meetings and Events:  Public meetings generally do not occur during Dark unless otherwise stated, and if so, sparingly.  Internal to the membership only meetings can occur during Dark.  Internal events are not generally posted on the calendar since they are not public, but can be posted on the Discord for the membership.


7:30-7:35  Opening: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.  (Love is the law, love under will.)

                  Facilitator assigns a TIMEKEEPER (Timekeeping Instructions below)

7:35-8:15     Segment 1:  Facilitator lets attendees know the round-robin reading is to begin, and makes sure everyone who wants to read has the opportunity to do so.  Facilitator decides if they want to limit turns to a page or so.

8:15-8:30     Segment 2:  Facilitator lets attendees know it is time to begin the discussion, and makes sure that everyone who wants to express a thought, has the opportunity to do so.  Facilitator decides if they want to limit turns to 5 minutes or so, if needed.

8:30-8:35     Break-time

8:35-9:30     Showcase: Facilitator turns it over to the individual performing the Showcase

9:30-9:35     Closing: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.  (Love is the law, love under will.)

Facilitator (or Program Director) to ask for a volunteer to facilitate the next session.


Can always interject by saying the word “Time!”

7:35   It is time to commence Segment 1

8:30   Break-time!

8:35   It is time to begin the Showcase

9:35   It is time to conclude the session.  We have 25 minutes of unstructured time until 10:00 pm when we have a hard stop.  


  1. Time Zone Conversion Table: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html
  2. House Rules Enforced by HOST: https://www.thelemarva.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/TRVA_HOUSE_RULES_202007.pdf
  3. USGL Member Policy Statement: https://www.thelemarva.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/OTO_Membership_Policies.pdf